Other SaaS Platforms

Different horses for different courses
Released: 28 March, 2018There's a wide variety of SaaS platforms that may meet some, or all, of your existing requirements. Basic sites have many choices but options narrow considerably as you get higher up the complexity chain. The options mentioned here are by no means a definitive list and everyone's needs will be different. I am presently shortlisting options that best meet your individual requirements and will present these directly to you very soon
Platforms for Basic Content Sites: Webflow, Weebly, Duda, Wix, Light CMS, Squarespace; (and many others)
Platforms for Blog Sites: Disqus (there's others but Disqus is the better blogging choice if blogging is the primary purpose of your website).
Basic E Commerce: Webflow, Weebly, Duda, Light CMS, Shopify, Big Commerce, Synergy 8,
Advanced Ecommerce: Shopify, BigCommerce (Some advanced or custom BC's Ecommerce capabilities may not be available in these platforms)
Large Multi function sites Webflow (maybe); Weebly (maybe); Duda (maybe); Synergy 8
Real Estate: Property Suite, ReView.
Member generated listings directories: (Researching) Synergy 8 (maybe)
Trading Portals: (Researching).
Research teams in the Partner Community have been analysing alternative SaaS CMS platforms to compare feature-for-feature ability and ease of migration. Reporting is still coming in and a further round of deeper analysis is needed before we can publish definitive recommendations. However, there's a pattern emerging with 4 platforms currently singled out for the next round. These are...
We are engaging directly with these platforms to get a look under the hood and to assess..
- how we might work together;
- viability to add missing features;
- possible migration methods
- anything else to assist BC site owners.